It's MONTHS after starting a blog (again!). I think I managed a handful of posts when it all went to hell (again!).
But I'm back....going to give it another go.
I guess I usually feel like I don't have anything interesting to say.
There are some blogs I read religiously, and the posts are always interesting and/or the writing is amazing. So I think I put too much pressure on myself to be that creative when really I can't make my blog like theirs...its impossible...I just have to make it mine.
I also struggle with what kind of blog I want it to be. Ideally it would be about the things I'm working on. Projects, things I'm making, things I want to do....and there's been a seriously lack of all those things in the last couple of months. Granted...I have been busy. Moving and getting settled do take some time.
Then I hesitate about writing about personal stuff...but I guess it all kind of goes together. Its all part of the same (so-called lol) life I'm living.
So...we're into the middle of October. I'm about as settled as I'm going to get I think and (again) I should stop making excuses.
Here's my list:
Something I'm making: a scarf (winter is coming whether I want it to or not)
Something I want to do: the mural on my wall (I just need that overhead!!)
Other projects: career overhaul...its time to move on. Resume is almost ready to go, then its time to get it out there to see what happens. Very scary...and exciting at the same time.
I also booked my flight down the US for Christmas. THAT I'm excited about. Can't promise I'll post much about that on here, but we'll see. ;)