- What time did you get up today? 5:30am (and its Saturday)
- Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
- Latest movie in a movie theater? Indianan Jones the Kingdom of the Chrystal Skull
- Favorite TV series? House or Lost
- What did you have for breakfast? Um.....a banana popsicle. lol
- What's your middle name? I'd rather not say.
- Favorite food? Sushi!
- Which food don't you like? I'm not a fan of cabbage.
- What's your favorite CD at the moment? I don't have one at the moment, but come September, I probably will. :D
- What car do you drive? No car. Don't drive.
- Favorite sandwich? Soooo fatty but....turkey, bacon quacamole. Yum!
- Which human traits can't you stand? Rudeness.
- What are your favorite clothes? Jeans.
- If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Hawaii.
- Favorite clothing brand? I don't have one.
- Where would you like to retire? Somewhere warm.
- Favorite time of day? Once work is over for the day.
- Where were you born? Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Which is your favorite sport to watch? Blue Jays baseball!
- Coke or Pepsi? If I had to choose...Pepsi.
- Soccer or hockey? Soccer actually...I know...I'm a bad Canadian.
- Are you a morning person or a night owl? A night owl for sure! (contrary to the time I woke up today)
- Pedicure or manicure? Pedicure. Though I've only had one professional one in my lifetime.
- Any exciting news to share? Just that things are definitely looking up!
- What did you want to become as a child? Everything from a teacher to an astronaut according to this keepsake book I have.
- Best childhood memory? My family vacation to Myrtle Beach seem to stick out.
- Ever been to Africa? No...but that would be so cool!
- Ever rolled anybody in toilet paper? Nope, can't say that I have.
- Have you ever been in a car accident? Thankfully no.
- Favorite day of the week? Friday probably, especially in the summer cause we get out early on Fridays.
- Favorite flower? Gerbera Daisies or tulips
- Favorite - Hot dog or Chinese food? Can't choose.
- Do you own a bike? No, but I'd love to have a cute one to ride around on.
- Who was you latest e-mail from? Readers Digest
- Where would you like to shop more if you could afford to? No where specific. Just a spree anywhere would be fun
- Bed time? During the week, between 10 and 11pm.
- Latest person to share dinner with? Tanya and Heather...I think.
- What are you up to now? Blog reading, finishing this post, and deciding what to do the rest of the day/weekend.
- Favorite color? At the moment...green. But that changes quite often.
- How many tattoos? One. A celtic heart knot on my right (back) hip.

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Just cause
I didn't get tagged for this meme, but I felt like doing it anyway. It's a hot a hazy day in Toronto, so getting up the energy for much else isn't going to happen.
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