Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Orange Wednesday

I have to admit, that at first, I wasn't sure I could keep up with Color Week. But its been so fun, and its really reignited my love for taking pictures. Everyday I'm inspired by what other participants are posting and it keeps me wanting to participate.

Bring on the orange...

Though I have seen the different movie versions multiple times,
I have yet to read the book.

I wish you could tell how great this candles smells.

I...uh...didn't manage to get a picture taken
prior to opening the package.

One of my essentials.

"The wonderful thing about Tiggers..."

You can find the list of other Color Week bloggers over at Curious Bird!


Maya Sara Matthew said...

Hey Michele, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.This Colour Week is opening up many worlds.

Jessica said...

Thanks for indulging with me about my cat...he is pretty cute, tho I am biased.
I like the tape measure photo....cheers!

Michele said...

Hi Michele! I am also Michele with one L! I saw your post on Lisa C.'s Polka Dot Creations and was confused about how I already commented! LOL I enjoyed your orange photos!

Anonymous said...

ok the candle looks good enough to EAT!! ((so does the reese's cup!)) Great shots!

Jessica Jones said...

I'll second that!

Jo said...

Go on, read the book!! It's one of my favourites. Cool photos, that candle does look yum. Thanks for visiting me at my blog. Jo

Ashely said...

Thank you! I very much like your shots as well! Could I ask what kind of camera you use? (I'm in the market)

Crystal said...

Yum, now I need some peanut butter cups!

kalurah said...

You don't know HOW close I came to posting my son's Tigger doll on Orange Wednesday! :)
Great pics!