Wednesday, April 16, 2008

1,000,000th times a charm

I love all things crafty, so it was really only a matter of time before I took up crochet or knitting. Crochet didn't click right away, but eventually it all made sense and now I can crochet with the best of them. On the other hand, knitting I just didn't get.

I bought books.

I bought an interactive CD.

I watched online videos.


I still couldn't knit.

But today I picked up my needles, some yarn, one of the books I have and...IT FINALLY CLICKED!

I'm not going to question why...I'm just thrilled that it finally did.

So I don't get discouraged I'm going to have to find a very simple pattern to start.

But my goal is to eventually tackle this pattern.

The "Central Park Hoodie".

Click the pic to buy the pattern via knittingdaily.

Wish me luck!

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