Wednesday, April 24, 2013


There are so many things I LOVE to do.  When I do them, I feel happy and energized.  You'd think it those would be these things I would fight to keep in my life but they're the things I constantly neglect.

In an attempt to develop healthy habits I participated in Oprah and Deepak Chopra's 21-Day Meditation Challenge and I'm happy to report I've continued well past the 21 days and haven't missed a day.  I enjoyed the challenge immensely and would like to kick it up a notch and start the day with some meditation as well.

So I think its time to try to develop some other healthy habits.  Blogging on here, reading my blogroll instead of mindless TV watching, crafting and exercise.

I don't know why its so easy to forget the things that bring more life to my life.  What sort of things do you do to achieve a healthy work/life balance?

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