Saturday, May 3, 2008

(Another) Future Project

I saw this quilt over at A Hint of Rosemary and knew it was a project I had to try. The thought of piecing a quilt together intimidates me, but straight lines...I think I can handle.

It turns out its a free Amy Butler pattern off her website.

My best friends birthday is coming up in July, and I'd really like to make it for her. She LOVES blue, so choosing a color wasn't too difficult.

Matching different patterned fabrics....a little more difficult (for me anyway!).

Thankfully MacFab carries the Amy Butler line.

So I went through her collection and chose 11 that I like and feel would go together well.

Question though....why does pretty fabric always seem to have a pretty price tag?! ;)


Brenda said...

I admire you for making a quilt. My grandmother made all her grandkids one and it is very special to me. Love the blues and greens you chose. My favorite colors:)

Anonymous said...

hmmm... my birthday is in July... and I love blue too~~~~ hmmmm... :p

Dallas said...

I really like that quilt pattern, and your fabric choices are great. I hope you don't mind my suggestion, but you might want to look at adding in one more with a big print, since the quilt pattern is pretty busy, and you've got a lot of little patterns.

Johanna Masko said...

MacFab is charging 5 bucks more per metre than everyone else in Toronto that carries Amy Butler...
Have you checked out The Workroom on Queen West in Parkdale? She just got in a whole load of A. Butler fabrics and is also carrying the pattern line, too.
And rock on with the quilting! My favourite thing!! :-)

Michele said...

I've never heard of the Workroom but it sounds like I should check it out! Thanks for the tip!